Friday, April 15, 2011

Email from the associate producer of Miller's Tale

The official Miller's Tale DVD is now ready for pre-order! DVDs will include the hour-long film and multiple Extras: Director’s commentary, Deleted scenes, the Director’s student film Birthday (which captures Jason Miller in one of his final performances on film), and more.

To fund DVD production, we've launched an IndieGoGo fundraising camp where you pre-order a DVD for $35 (shipping included), and if you'd like to give more, we have all kinds of perks (that include limited edition framed stills of Jason Miller, taken by noted photographer Danny Fields).

To purchase a DVD, check out our page here.

By buying your DVD copies now, you are ensuring that we can complete DVD production and get you your copy as soon as possible. We plan to have pre-orders sent out in August 2011. Please feel free to share the page with friends, family, and Jason Miller fans on social networking sites, blogs, forums, etc.

Thanks so much for your support!!!



Associate Producer, Miller's Tale

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